v1.0.2 The Savior Update!(^v^)

Here is 1.0.2 in its complete state i hope you guys are finally pleased with my mod menu :) and btw it's called the savior update cuz this update saves the mod menu from becoming forgotten the real reason why no one used my mod is cuz i was focusing on stuff like modifiers for arrays, gameobjects, scriptableobjects stuff like that and litteraly no one knows what that is and so if the usage of 1.0.2 and beyoned is higher than that of 0.2.0 and earlier it just proves that point


  •  a "Load & Replace" button under the "Game Assets Modifier" 
  • "sections" to every tab 
  • the removeable button "x" and the "?" to every option 
  • help entries
  • an option to toggle Audio vomit 
  • more options to modify items 
  • GPS toggle
  • a button under the inventory editor where you can place a item in any empty slot
  • another way to change the MM's key you can do so by pressing "ctrl + k" then the key you want to open the mod with i added this just in case some of you may forget which key you changed it to 
  • an option to make the lights flicker or to turn them on or off
  • Teleporters to classrooms, detention room etc... and exits
  • more modifiers for characters
  • modifiers for the BSODA and ZESTY machines


F*cking Everything

  • The "unlimited uses" not being active for machines still grants you unlimited uses anyway (rookie mistake happens to all of us)
  • Player speed being weird af.
  • the fog event's options
  • stuff about spawning shapes in the "Unity Engine" dropdown 
  • Changed the patched class for the player so now it doesn't modify a whole method.
  • The "hide hud" toggle sometimes not working?
  • previously you'd see letters being bit cut off to the left side which has changed.
  • Changed the "random light" button function cuz it looks like LSD 💀💀
  • Changed the Playerspeed a little so that now when it change it and either quit the level or enter a new level it'll keep the same value
  • the issue when opening the mod menu where baldi says "you beat my game" and closing it it pauses the game
  • changed the infinite stamina toggle so now it saves it 
  • an issue where the mod changes the player's speed on the speedy challenge
  • the "time" in "other modifiers" i don' think there will be any issues with this anymore
  • noclip
  • being able to visit demon johnny
  • some GUI elements being cutoff
  • Opening the mod menu and closing it while in the elevator in any floor will softlock the game.

Things i should've realized from the start: o_o

Oh my god i have a freaking headache so i've watched a video on yandere sim and why it "failed" and honestly i somewhat followed his ways a little like looking at too much negative crap on YT but i pulled the plug long ago and looking back at myself i wasn't great but i am not the only one when missingtextureman101 wrote a mean comment saying "i could go on and on but that isn't the point" it was the point issues like the game freezing when opening the mod are important and he is ignoring it another guy called "Fullsizeladd" tried to make me look terrible for some reason LuL normally when people do mistakes people would go "well this happened a long time ago and i'm sure he has changed." which is what i did but instead this guy goes "Just because you stopped using fasguy's code doesn't mean it didn't happen" idk how to reply to that i was also feature creeping  which didn't benefit the mod that much cuz those were features nobody really knew what they were heck the average guy doesn't know what a Int32, enum whatever is and that may be the reason why no one really used it now that i think about it :/ 
now i'll try to be more open towards criticism and actually add stuff the average Joe knows about 
i don't want to have anything to do with missingtextureman101, Fullsizeladd or anyone else who did these worthless things maybe they have changed idk i'll focus on positive feedback and people who ACTUALLY CARE and who can ACTUALLLY HELP instead of people like these who just crap on stuff so i won't be using missingtextureman's api anytime soon something just doesn't seem right when i wanted to work with him he said "i dunno enough about you" and that combined with his mean comment and how above of me he thinks he is and him telling on me i really dunno now that i am actually thinking about it


Mod Menu v1.0.2 (for BBP v0.5.2) 35 MB
64 days ago

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(1 edit)

there could be 0.6

I don't know if im being stupid, but if you haven't added it, can you add the option to edit  other characters, like speed, just like the baldis basics in education and learning original mod menu someone else created, you could edit them instead of just adding different instances.


Actually.. my steam acc is finally back


enable 2fa

(1 edit) (+1)

YESSSSS THANKS YOU 1000 TIMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Demon Johnny LMAOOOOO (I loved see Demon Johnny lol :')

(2 edits)

Where do you toggle that?

That was a bug, but got fixed

So... as you can tell my steam MesharRoblox got hacked 

So i can't even play BBP anymore

Can you explain why there's about 60 test levels and 3 versions of the 3 actual levels in the Game Assets Modifier? 

When I open the Assets Modifier, Level 1, 2 and 3 (Main1, Main2, Main3) aren't there as they used to. Neither are Endless Random or Medium. `

I tried to modify TestLevel, and tried to replace that level with Main3, then I quit the game and loaded Level 3, but none of my changes where there. I saw some screenshots of this changelog but when I updated the mod menu, It was still the same. 

Could you fix this in the next update?

yes these 60 levels are from the assets you saved on your pc

(1 edit)

and you don't quit the game when replacing a level the changes obviously get reset

I meant quitting the game from the pause menu and returning to the main menu.


and if you do that the changes you made to the testlevel aren't saved? what how okay whatever maybe i'll find it and fix it

Good, and could you change the Game Assets Modifier to the way it was like in the tutorial, thanks.

no but i'll change it in a different way


how am i supposed to fix that when i don't have this issue and you don't even show a bit of the contents from your player.log file?

but i cant take a screenshot of some of the contents and idfk why this is fricking happening to me

copy and paste the contents bro if you can't paste everything just paste a small amount in if you find anything that says "exception" in the player.log file copy and paste it into your comment

UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)

UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)



there, are you happy now?

(1 edit)

i mean error message(s) and btw can you despawn all instances of other characters like dr reflex?